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I enjoyed this. Kind of weird. I ended up playing it several times trying to see if there was more to it or other ways for it to end but didn't find anything.


Oohh man... I LOVED IT! Its original, and you dont see that very often here. So are you telling me i was the computer at the end? Flying through the coding xD KEEP IT UP! This game is also a nice way for people to learn some things about you.

You are awesome!

Deleted post

Haha, thank you! The water bottle is my favorite thing I made for this game!

Here's the texture file:

Deleted post

Thank you so much! (^o^) I really appreciate these kinds of comments, and the detail helps me make better games in the future.

Also, I'm glad you didn't exactly get the "I know who you are" effect, because that isn't exactly what the intention was. You actually got the right effect! In my game, you're playing as YOUR OWN computer, not a person. Your name is "home"! 

I've received a lot of people telling me that the questions should have affected something, but this was by design. I regret the fact that, the way the game plays out, most people interpret the story as "an AI with free will" when it's actually the opposite. You have no free will, as whatever choices you made are the ones that the programmer wanted you to make.

But alas, it is what it is, and I'm just glad that people have been able to enjoy it in their own way!

(1 edit) (+1)

This game was amazing!! I didnt know what to expect but I was happy with what I experienced! 


it did not show me a picture in the folder .

If you don't have a .png file in your photos, it doesn't work.


This was sooo much fun!!


Hehehe I really liked this! And you know what? It actually had my heart thumping at one point! Beautifully done!


Very interesting I love how it figures out your name

well done!


Such a simple idea, but so effective! Definitely worth a go!

so effective! Definitely worth a go!



how do i play this without paying?? im 11 and i just wanna be spooked

It’s free! When you click “Download” there should be a link that says “No thanks, just take me to the downloads” and it’ll let you!

Hope you enjoy it ;D

(1 edit) (+1)

Just....just ignore the awkward bit at the start where I forgot to clip out me waiting for the recording software to sync up :P  other than that a fun wee game


Cool game! Little creepy, and with tool interact. I can say that the game isn't out to steal your data, it just looking for your username and an image on your computer. And i saw Markiplier play it!

Markipliers Video


I enjoyed this a lot


I enjoyed your game! It was so fun! Keep up the good work!

i dont know why but my mouse doesnt let me look around in game, its very glitchy and annoying. how do i fix this? ive never had this problem with any other game. im using a macbook

Im working on figuring out a fix for this at the moment, I’ve had a couple other people tell me about this issue, and hopefully I can update it soon!


I really enjoyed this game, it's simple premise of answering questions for a survey really lulled me into a false sense of security and did not prepare me for what was to come. Well done to the developer for setting the pacing just right and creating a really fun game. If you want to see my play through you can click the link below, but you should try this game yourself too, it's well worth it.

is there a version for Windows 32-bit version?


I haven’t released a 32-bit version yet, but I probably will for the next update :) Stay tuned

Okay,i will wait)


How can I play it seems I can’t do anything but I am on iPad can you play on iPad?

No, unfortunately, it is only available for Windows, Mac, and Linux

(1 edit) (+1)

Really fun and short game, would advise playing it. It spooks you a bit and may send chills down your spine here and there but its not too intense. 

I can't even download it, so I went on YouTube to watch others play it and found out that it looks through your personal data

DO NOT download

My game does not look through your personal data. It does the exact same things that many other horror games have done in the past. All it does is displays your System name, and attempts to display an image from your desktop. It does nothing with the data other than, in essence, use them as game assets. 

Also there is a disclaimer on the store page that states this. 

no it doesn't you dumbass

I can't open the game, but the task manager says it's running

(4 edits) (-3)


Don't even waste your time downloading this "game". Watch literally any YouTuber play it. The experience will not differ from theirs. This is a terrible "game". 

Your answers do not make any difference to what actually happens in the game. You're literally just clicking and moving the mouse to continue reading. It pretends to be a horror game with its ONE terrible jumpscare, then forces you down the narrative as it was before. This isn't a game. This isn't even an interactive story. It's a badly written "thought experiment" at best. It takes what Doki Doki Literature Club, and many others like it, did... but so much worse.

EDIT: I've seen pixel art comics that are more interactive than this.

After looking in to the developer's home page, it makes this game even more disappointing. Their other games are really great, and seem to have a lot of effort and love poured into them. It's just a shame that this misses a lot of that. (Yes, I know this was for a game jam. Yes I know how hard game jams are. A lot of game jam games are on here and have at least some variability based on how you play.)


You're absolutely right. Nobody's experience is any different! A majority of games you play follow a linear story that does not change at all to the player's decisions. This is very much by design, and just because you don't like it doesn't make it a terrible game. Start Survey wasn't even intended to be considered a "game" in the first place, but rather as a short story about a man who realizes that all his choices were programmed, and that he is, in fact, the UI of a computer. 

The jumpscare isn't why I consider it a horror game. I consider it "horror" because it's like The Twilight Zone. In fact, I spent a good deal of time studying the story structure and methodology of The Twilight Zone before writing my script. The horror isn't in the unsettling room, or the visions you see in the dark. The horror is found in the deep philosophical implications of whether or not free will exists.

Also, contrary to what you said, I poured far more love and effort into making this game than most (if not all) of my other games. This is a story that I've been wanting to adapt for a long time, and I finally have the skills and opportunity to make it. People's opinions on the game, good or bad, do not define the amount of time, care, and detail that I tried to put into every corner of it.

I understand why you don't like the game, and I think it's a valid reason to not enjoy something. However, rather than providing constructive criticism, which I would have respected quite a lot, you blatantly bashed me and all the people who have enjoyed Start Survey who have supported me and given me real / helpful feedback.


One year ago, I was in a very bad place mentally. This by no means excuses my actions, and I won't be deleting or editing what I said because it stands as a testament to where I was and it gives context to both the  reply from the creators, and this reply now. 

If I could clarify my original opinion of the game in a more constructive way, I would have to say that I was disappointed that it was called a game, not a narrative.

Having some time and distance from that original reaction (and reading the response from the creators) I would like to say that it accomplishes what it set out to be very well. After all, what is video game design, but another way to tell a story? What I can say to my past self is, "If you're disappointed in the lack of agency during the story having an impact on the result of the game, play a different game."  If I were trying to be more malicious, I would probably say "You must really hate movies and books huh?" But let's cut me some slack here. 

PixelDough's response is not only thoughtful and respectful. It also shows a lot of respect for their work and the product itself. If you want a REAL review of this game, take their reply as FAR more accurate of a review than my original comment.


Happy to hear you’re in a better mental place now. Thank you for taking the time to come back to this as well! I don’t normally check my notifications anymore on itch, but I saw this comment and I think it’s awesome that you’re still here and are strong enough to say that. Hope life is treating you well now, and thanks again for this reply :)


scared the hell out of me +1 keep it up


Really enjoyed this game. A few very good spooks in this one. Nice job my friend! Recommend this for anyone that wants to check it out!


I love this game! Boissss


I liked it :) Short, creepy, interesting :)

But I really do not appreciate these guys posting their vids here... they take it like a free promo for themselves. Most of them are small YTbers with very, very low sub count and in my eyes they only want to make more views out of this.


loved the game it was really cool :)

Dude that effect with the file on the desk really freaked the hell out of me, nice job dude

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

I definitely had a good time playing this, it wasn't what I was expecting at all. Do keep up the good work!!


i absolutely loved this. the atmosphere was creepy, and there weren't too many jumpscares, which is something i really like in horror games. when it said my name on the laptop, i got a bit scared and instantly turned my lights back on lol. great game, also that ending really surprised me!

Why is the folder empty?

It's supposed to snag a picture off your desktop to freak me out. Mine was a meme and I laughed.

Haha! Well it’s not exactly supposed to scare you, it’s actually evidence for why YOU are the computer! It’s an image on your “desktop” 

You're going to have to explain this, not sure what you mean by "YOU are the computer."

You are the computer itself. Nothing around you is real, it’s all a digital manifestation of the data in the computer. That’s what the ending tells you. You’re sitting at a  “desktop” with games, and pictures on it, and there’s a trash bin nearby. You are the main character (hence why it calls you by your name).

Deleted 1 year ago

This game got me good.


My mouse is all glitchy on it

That’s not good! What OS are you using?

I'm assuming he is using mac OS since I have the same issue. I can't move the mouse otherwise it jitters about the screen trying to get back to the center like a rubber band.



Very nice, definitely impressed on the way the game kept pressuring the player on and on.


Interesting idea for a game. Didn't find it as creepy or scary as I thought it would be, based on some of the comments, although it did have a good little jump scare.

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